
How Much Does Roof Restoration Cost?

A roof restoration can range in cost, but generally between it will cost between $3,000 – $6,000 depending on the size of your roof and your individual needs on your roof.

Your roof restoration cost has many factors:


1. The current condition of your roof

Things such as how many broken tiles need to be replaced, the condition of your ridge capping and if there are any additional repairs needed to your sarking, flashing etc. will affect how much your roof restoration will cost. Standard roof restorations will only need the ridge capping repointed. If the pointing on your ridge capping has begun to deteriorate a full rebed of your ridge caps will be required.

Peeling paint will also raise the cost of your roof restoration. If the roof paint is peeling the team will need to sit on the turbo head blasting the peeling paint off inch by inch in order for your new paint to adhere to the tile correctly and last. This takes hours upon hours to do and is very labor intensive. We generally see paint lift when the original job was not cleaned properly, poor products were used or when the tiles were not sealed correctly before the membrane was applied.

2. Guardrail

If you have a two story home you will require guardrail to comply with OH&S laws. This will affect your roof restoration cost.

We see customers burnt by the ‘cheaper quote’ and they end up having to pay much more to fix the mess on their roof  

3. Product

You get what you pay for in the product department, and not all products are created equal. Of course, cheaper products will lower your quote price for your roof restoration, but may cost you more in the long run when in a couple years all the peeling paint needs to be removed.

4. Broken Tiles

We pay from $3 – $7 per tile. The number of broken tiles that need changing will also affect the cost of your roof restoration.

 A Quality Roof Restoration Will Last for 10+ Years

6. Rebedding

Generally, in a roof restoration the ridges only need to be rebedded where required. If a roof is needing a full rebed of all ridges this will take a lot more time and labor.

7. Size of your roof

The average sized roof is between 200 m² – 300 m². Keep in mind your roof size will be bigger than your house due to overhang and pitch.

It is important not to let price be the determining factor when deciding which company to go with for your roof restoration. Ensure you are comparing apples with apples, quality products will be used on your roof along with great workmanship. We want to see the end of peeling roofs and empty warranties! Get in touch with our team today for a free quote!

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