Hidden charges are never a wanted surprise, especially when you are speaking about large amounts of money. It is important when getting your roof restoration quote that you know exactly what you are expected to pay at the end of the restoration – with no hidden charges!Â
I’ll give you an example of a situation where our customer thought she was getting a much quote elsewhere. First of all, when you get a cheaper quote you need to look into WHY the quote is cheaper.
Be an informed customer
Of course, there is the other side of the coin where there are companies out there who are happy to ‘eye gouge’ customers and charge and the excessive amount for a restoration. This is why it is important to be an informed buyer and do your homework. Read our blog here about the factors that may affect the cost of your roof restoration.Â
Cheaper quote? Let’s look further.
We had provided a customer with a quote. She had come back to us saying that our quote was much higher than another. First things first we look at the product they are using, it was a much cheaper product that does not have the longevity of Nutech paint. It is by far cheaper for us to purchase in comparison to Nutech – but a tradesman is only as good as his products. The quote also did not state what primer they were using. Work was also being carried out by a subcontractor instead of an employee.
An example of where a customer had hidden charges on their quote from another company
All this aside, when looking at the quote the customer had sent to me I realised that THEIR QUOTE WAS, IN FACT, MORE EXPENSIVE THAN OURS!
Not including GST in pricing
They do not include GST in their pricing. If you are not taking this into consideration GST will add an additional 10% to your total. When providing quotes companies can choose either to include the GST in the total or have a subtotal plus GST. It is important to look whether or not it is included in your quote.
Guard rail is an additional cost
Guard rail is required by law on jobs at heights over 3m. Our customer’s quote did, in fact, have guard rail, but it was charged separately even though it was not an optional extra. Again, the guard rail price did not include GST.
QBCC Home Owners Insurance
QBCC Home Owners Insurance is required by law, and not having it applied to work carried out over the price of $3,300 risk hefty fines! It must be included in the quote, although fine to state the cost of the insurance it should be included in the total price.
The illusion of a cheaper quote
Ultimately, our customer’s quote from another company had separated items that were not optional – giving the illusion of being a lower cost, when in fact they were over $600 more expensive than our quote using higher quality, more costly, products.
Things that should be a separate cost
The only items that should be clearly listed on your quote as an optional extra are:
That is it. Anything additional should clearly be labelled as an additional cost.
In short, what you need to check on your quote is:
- Does the total price include GST?
- Is QBCC Home Owners insurance included, or is it an additional cost?
- Double-check any separate charges for things that are required, such as guard rail.
How to ensure you are not hit with hidden charges
The best way to ensure no hidden charges is to always have things in writing where possible. If you choose to accept your quote send an email with your acceptance confirming the price you will pay at the end of the restoration (including GST) and that any additionally charged work will require your approval before proceeding.
Are you looking for a quote with no hidden charges? Call the team at Brisco Roofing on 1300 166 209. We pride ourselves for providing ‘Honest Advice & Quality Work’.